If you are currently dreaming of feeling confident and comfortable in your body, aching to look in the mirror and finally LOVE what you see, that doesn't require you to...

  • Go on another miserable diet
  • Exhaust yourself with strenuous exercise
  • Restrict yourself of the foods and drinks you love
  • Obsess over your weight and looks
  • Sacrifice being present by stressing out over all of the above

AND that allows you to learn how to accept your body AS IS, ditching the incessant need to change your body in order to feel good enough...

A collection of workbook samples, videos and website images of the online course: The Powerful Woman Project


The Powerful Woman Project

Self Paced Course

A woman sitting naked on a bed wrapped in a white sheet, smiling as she embraces the natural curves of her body

About me

I came from a place of self hatred, self conscious about my body, depressed because I was anxious and lacked self worth and overall couldn’t stand the sight of myself…. 

From a career in Personal Training and becoming a Nutritionist, to broadening my horizons to the world of Bodybuilding.

I competed as an athlete for 3 years, but in the third and final year, it all took a toll on me. That year I had become a Professional Athlete, which had proved itself difficult, having taken my physique to the next level, I fell in a heap afterwards. My health plummeted and I gained weight instantly and that’s where my body image struggles began. 

I saw my body change, I hated it, I finally became aware of how much of my self worth and confidence I had placed on my appearance alone and I not only felt out of control but was challenged with an identity crisis. 

So I know what it’s like, to have all forms of confidence diminish from you, to have zero courage in who you are and feel as if your body is failing you. Until I put the challenge to the test and have risen, to have now fallen back in love with my body and self, but not in the way you might think. I did so by ditching diet culture and learning how to accept myself as is, to offer love, respect and nourishment to myself in many forms to regain my body confidence. 

Here's what Sarah, Aishwariya, and Kelly have to say about their time within The Powerful Woman Project...

Sarah Callahan

"I can now get out of the shower and actually look at myself in the mirror and think that I look good, to the point that I even take photos in my underwear now. I can't tell you the last time I was able to feel comfortable enough to do this. This also has allowed me to shop not only with ease, but it is now something I get excited over again, which I love"

Aishwariya Kumar

"I am so happy to have experienced The Powerful Woman Project, I am surprised at how quickly my mind adapted to changes and learning to acknowledge and love all parts of myself, including my vulnerabilities."

Kelly Wyatt

“Kelly 1.0 before The Powerful Woman Project was a woman who was so focused on wanting to change her body and wasn’t aware of how much I was ignoring my struggles and the emotions that came with that, I was holding myself back from freedom within my relationship with my body and self. Whereas now Kelly 2.0 is confident not just in how I focus on myself but within how I feel, having the mindset to be in control of who I am and how I feel, taking back my power and trusting myself and my body.”

And I know that you might have doubts, like:

  • How do stop dieting, I'm scared I'll lose control?
  • What do I focus on first? I've never felt confident in my body
  • How does accepting my body stop me from wanting to change it?

So don't just take my word for it, here's what our powerful students have to say from being on the inside of the course...

A collection of client testimonials

Sneak Peak Our Curriculum

  The Beginning: Welcome To The Powerful Woman Project
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 1: The Willingness To Change
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 2: Self-Awareness
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 3: Breaking Diet Culture
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 4: Intuitive Eating
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 5: Time Management
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 6: Stress Management & Self-Regulation
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 7: Body-Image
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 8: Sleep Hygiene
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Your Powerful Path: Honoring Your Journey
Available in days
days after you enroll

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My intention for you in this course -

To help you to diminish the shame, frustration and hatred us women place on ourselves, our bodies and our health.

I will teach you the exact tools and practices I used myself to heal my body image to restore my body confidence so that I never had to diet or be dissatisfied with my body again.

Because here's the thing girl -

If you’re stuck, disappointed or feeling resentful towards yourself and body, then I am here to PROMISE you, that’s right, I PROMISE that by breaking the shackles of diet culture, rewriting limiting beliefs that swarm your mind and eradicating the unrealistic expectations you place on your body so you can accept and love your body from the inside out using my Powerful Woman Method, you will create UNSHAKEABLE BODY CONFIDENCE!

I want you to know I see you....

I see you, I know what it is like…
I see you wishing, begging to look different so that you can feel confident in your body. Longing to be happy and comfortable in your skin, knowing that WHEN you do, you will have so much freedom in what you can do with this new found body confidence.

Getting disheartened, stuck and frustrated each time you go on another diet, change up your exercise routine or fall off the bandwagon because everything you try seems too hard or you can’t keep consistent with..
Feeling as if you are getting in your own way, I get it.

There is a lot of questioning, doubt and fear that you won’t ever be confident, let alone satisfied within your body.
Wondering if you are capable of loving your body given you have spent year after year either trying diet after diet, yet never being comfortable or confident on a consistent basis or just simply feel ready to give up and accept defeat..

NO! Not today, I won’t let you!

I see you dining your own light, comparing yourself to others and wondering why it won’t work for you…

And I'll tell you why I see you....

Because you are me, just a few steps back on the journey, honest. 
And believe me when I say, I UNDERSTAND!

Let me tell you, I know every thought that is coursing through your mind that is fueled by self judgment, degrading statements, constant questioning and absolute frustration, trying to decide whether anything will work at this point…

Questioning if you will ever accept your body for what it looks like and what it does for you.
Wondering what loving your body ACTUALLY looks and feels like, because it currently feels out of reach and as if your body is failing you…

I will say it again… there IS A WAY OUT!

What it takes is cutting out all the BS there is out there when it comes to diet culture, to say bon voyage to societal standards and STOP trying to please the world with how you look and escape the beliefs that you need to lose weight in order to love and feel confident in your body.
Instead use my Powerful Woman Method to break diet culture to eradicate self consciousness so you can love your body from the inside out without a worry.

Let's Get Started

Ready To Unlock Your Body Confidence?

Say Bon Voyage to self consciousness and say hello to loving ALL OF YOU.

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"Bodies Change, Your Worth Doesn't."