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The Powerful Woman Project
The Beginning: Welcome To The Powerful Woman Project
Welcome To The Powerful Woman Academy (13:48)
Welcome To The Powerful Woman Project Course (4:18)
Module 1: The Willingness To Change
The Willingness To Change (27:45)
Module 2: Self-Awareness
Self-Awareness (19:37)
Module 3: Breaking Diet Culture
Breaking Diet Culture (20:49)
Module 4: Intuitive Eating
Intuitive Eating (22:58)
Module 5: Time Management
Time Management (30:48)
Module 6: Stress Management & Self-Regulation
Stress Management & Self-Regulation (60:42)
Module 7: Body-Image
Body-Image (46:48)
Module 8: Sleep Hygiene
Sleep Hygiene (31:19)
Your Powerful Path: Honoring Your Journey
Honoring Your Journey, A Time For Celebration (2:12)
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